Home Insulation Energy Saving Tips

You can easily decrease your residence’s energy usage. All you have to do is take a few simple steps and you will not only save energy but conserve electricity as well. There are several things which play a part in this, from home insulation to weatherizing your home. Here we will take a look at the best ways to do this. First off, you may wonder why you would want to even worry about energy saving tips. You may think that they can not save Read More +

Improving Attic Insulation Improves Energy Savings

For your roof to perform at its best everything must work well together – including your attic insulation and ventilation system. When you have the correct roof insulation in place most of your home’s heat won’t escape through the attic during the winter months and you’ll also be protected from the heat throughout the summer months. This will keep your heating and cooling expenses in check. Why Your Home Needs Attic Insulation The U.S. Department of Energy says that most American homes are under-insulated. This Read More +

How Insulation Helps You Conserve Energy

Heat exchange through surfaces (e.g. walls, attics, ducts, roofs) is reduced when you insulate them. This is why less warm air escapes through well-insulated homes during the winter months. This is also true for the amount of cool air that escapes from these homes throughout the summer months. All this is great news for you as a homeowner because it means that your energy bills will be lower since you’ll need less energy for heating and cooling your home – by as much as 20%. Read More +

How to Make Your Home More Energy Efficient

As a homeowner when it’s time to make your property more energy efficient you’ll want to find ways to save money while also adding value to your property. While you may want to start with simple upgrades (e.g. sealing around windows, weather stripping around doors), don’t expect them to increase your home’s value much. It’s the larger upgrades which cost more money that’ll add the most value to your home. As such, they really are worthy of your consideration. Valuable Home Energy Saving Improvements Some Read More +

What you Must Know Before Insulating Your Attic

Heating and cooling your home is expensive. However, you’ll find that it’s even more expensive when you don’t have enough roof insulation. In fact, the Department of Energy estimates you can save 10% – 50% on these bills when you have the right insulation. While you may think that you could simply stuff some more insulation up there, you’d be surprised to hear of the important considerations you must make in this regard. Choosing the Right Roof Insulation Type and Material There are two main Read More +

How Insulation Helps You Stay Comfortable at Home

When you step into some people’s homes you find that they feel nice and cozy regardless of what time of the year it is. This has probably caused you to stop and wonder why this is true, but this shouldn’t be all that much of a mystery to you. What it boils right down to is their home has great insulation. This helps their home not feel like a sauna throughout the hot, Florida summer months even when their air conditioner isn’t continually running. These Read More +

Why Your Home Needs Roofing Insulation

There are many things that the average person simply doesn’t know or understand about roofing insulation. For instance, most people don’t realize that poor insulation in your attic can contribute to as much as 15% of your home’s energy loss. This means that you’re paying 15% more for your energy costs. Additionally, anyone who’s concerned about the environment today should also know that they’re leaving a 15% larger carbon footprint behind as well. Understanding the Importance of Roof Insulation Once you understand how important your Read More +

How to Know Your Home Needs new Insulation

When you think about insulation you think about warmth. What you probably don’t think about is how it can also help keep your home cool and allergen free too. With this in mind, it’s interesting to note that before 1975 homes in Florida weren’t required by law to have insulation. This means that if you own an older home, your energy bill may be going through the roof since it doesn’t have insulation. If you want to save money instead of spending it on insanely Read More +