What you Must Know Before Insulating Your Attic

What you need to know before insulating your atticHeating and cooling your home is expensive. However, you’ll find that it’s even more expensive when you don’t have enough roof insulation. In fact, the Department of Energy estimates you can save 10% – 50% on these bills when you have the right insulation. While you may think that you could simply stuff some more insulation up there, you’d be surprised to hear of the important considerations you must make in this regard.

Choosing the Right Roof Insulation Type and Material

There are two main types of insulation you can add to uninsulated attics or layer over your existing insulation. These are:

  • Loose fill insulation is packaged in bags and blown in place with special machinery you rent. It works best for attics with irregular or nonstandard joist spacing; lots of obstructions and penetrations; over top of existing insulation; places where there’s limited headroom; and those who want to accomplish the job quickly. You can choose from lightweight fiberglass, cellulose (recycled post-consumer paper that’s treated for insect and fire resistance and that’s also mold resistant), and mineral wool (rock or recycled slag from blast furnaces that’s naturally fire resistant).
  • Batts is flexible although typically packaged in rolls of various thicknesses and widths that fit between your home’s joists or studs. It’s available with or without a paper or foil facing that acts as a vapor barrier. It works best for attics that have standard joist spacing, no insulation, few obstructions to work around, and enough headroom for maneuverability. You’ll have the option of choosing fiberglass, cellulose, mineral wool, and cotton (these consist of fibers from recycled denim cloth that blocks airflow and sound transmission, but unfortunately, it’s more expensive).

Other Important Considerations Regarding Your Attic Insulation

Once you’ve determined what material you want to use, there are a few other things you’ll also need to consider. These include:

  • How much insulation you already have after removing anything that’s bad: Measure your attic’s square footage but make sure to buy an extra bag or roll
  • The proper R-value: This is the insulation’s thermal resistance ability
  • Check to see if there are any rebates or credits available in your region.

Installing Your New Roof Insulation

There are certain steps you’ll want to take here, including:

  • Seal all leaks in your home (around windows, doors, pipes, wires, exhaust fans, ducts, chimneys, flues) so air doesn’t escape.
  • Have any problems with your roof fixed.
  • Make sure all your exhaust fans and vents are properly vented outside.
  • attic insulation

Simple Tips for Attic Insulation Installation Success

You can make quick, easy work of installing your roof insulation by keeping these tips in mind:

  • Wear the proper equipment to protect your skin, lungs, and eyes.
  • Use plenty of light and don’t stand on joists.
  • Never cover soft vents with insulation.

Better yet, hire a professional to install your attic insulation for you. Done Rite Insulation has helped many homeowners successfully add attic insulation to their homes. They know all the important considerations this involves and can help you work through them so your home is more comfortable for you and your family to live in.