Home Insulation Energy Saving Tips

You can easily decrease your residence’s energy usage. All you have to do is take a few simple steps and you will not only save energy but conserve electricity as well. There are several things which play a part in this, from home insulation to weatherizing your home. Here we will take a look at the best ways to do this. First off, you may wonder why you would want to even worry about energy saving tips. You may think that they can not save Read More +

Why Use Pure Safety Insulation in Your Home

Owens Corning offers Pure Safety home insulation, which is the world’s first ever roof insulation that’s certified to be both allergy and asthma friendly. With this high performance insulation you’ll have about 65% less dust in your home. Additionally, it’s both mold and mildew resistant, as well as being Class A fire rated and able to reduce noise by as much as 50%. Clearly, you can see how this home insulation makes your home healthier, safer, and more comfortable. Just How Impressive Pure Safety Home Read More +

DIY Roof Maintenance Saves Time, Money & Misery

Since the roof is the primary defense against the elements, its maintenance is a major priority for all homeowners.  The roof is usually installed with all the protections necessary to keep temperatures at reasonable levels, protect from water damage such as rain and snow, and ice.  It also protects against debris and wildlife including insects.  Its careful construction should last for years but it still calls for the responsibility of the homeowner to keep a weather eye out for trouble. First of all, one should Read More +